
Happy Independence Day !

Independence day Independence day oh   how I  rejoice that day ! Everyone cheers for India's Independence !  India found it queer that it was a slave  of the  British So many people loved their country and sacrificed themselves for their own country ! We must respect our country  and help those who are needy! Even though we felt the keen edge of the blade we were brave and together protested! Our country is seen as a land of immense diversity! Remember the bands of soldiers and martyrs who did efforts to save our country ! Our India is ideal ! Respect our nation and country! Jai hind!

Twinkly Twilight

I  tried to recreate Twilight sparkle from Draw so cute Twilight Sparkle is a very intelligent pony and  she is always eager to learn something new about friendship! She has six friends Rarity, Applejack,Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.Her mentor is Princess Celestia.I  like her because she is always happy and cheerful and also her knowledge comes to her rescue when she and her friends are in trouble.